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2023-11-23 本站作者 【 字体:

2surgical maskmedical mask 手术口罩医疗口罩 口罩的另一个英文说法是surgical mask,surgical mask 是指那种手术用医疗用的口罩,一般医护人员戴的外科手术口罩就是这种medical mask 中文则可以翻译为医疗口罩。

口罩的英文是respirator英 #39resp#601re#618t#601r,美 #39resp#601re#618t#601rn 呼吸器口罩 例句The smog is so thick that you#39d better wear a respirator翻译外面尘雾迷天。



我们避免去公共场合尽量不要出门,出门之前必须做好防护,如戴口罩 We saw avoid going to do public place and try not to go out你must protect ourselves before going out,such as wearing mark。

一楼的语义不通应该是机器翻译的,本人英文不算很好,本不打算翻,不过至少意思肯定是通的,希望能帮到楼主 We should wear masks,donot go to the crowded places,and go to see the doctor to ask that are。

1Wash hands before wearing masks and keep hands clean 戴口罩前要洗手,保持手清洁2When the mask is in hand, it should be blue, with the nose clip on the top and white on the bottom Be careful。



解释雾霾 Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment雾霾原因 This kind of air。

3Try not to go to crowded places尽量减少到人群密集场所活动4Hygiene, wear masks Masks remain an important weapon in the prevention of respiratory infections讲卫生,戴口罩口罩依旧是预防呼吸道传染病的。

如遇雾霾天气尽量做好防范措施,如戴口罩,并尽量避免户外活动问题五雾霾是环境污染造成的用英文怎么翻译 Haze is caused by environmental pollution 随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重中国不少地区。

不戴口罩,禁止入内译文No masks, no entry。

防疫十条小知识英文第一不麻痹不大意千里之堤,溃于蚁穴First no paralysis and carelessness Thousands of miles of levees collapse in ant nests第二戴口罩要坚持科学佩戴口罩是预防呼吸道传染病最。


你好答案肯定是8 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


讲卫生,戴口罩口罩依旧是预防呼吸道传染病的重要武器5It is easy to cause the spread of respiratory infectious diseases to eat together and gather together多人聚餐聚会很容易造成呼吸道传染病的传播,尽可能。

*** 为了防止疫情扩散,采取了一系列的方案关闭所有景点,取消所有春节活动,关闭所有娱乐场所等手机电视里都是关于新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情的消息和预防方法要戴口罩勤用洗手液洗手用消毒水擦拭家具别去人流聚集的地方。
