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2023-11-28 本站作者 【 字体:


9 Here are your tickets The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket给您机票,登机口号在机票底部写着10 They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time You should report to gate。

从家宾馆出来,打车Hello, cabbie, I#39m going to the airport诶,师傅,我要去机场快到了,司机问你具体停哪里Which terminal do you want to go? The international departure or the domestic departure?“侬。

想要舒服的旅行,你可以选择坐飞机出行不过你知道在机场的那些英语怎么说吗首先你必须在航班起飞前提前至少一个小时到机场,然后你值机时你可能要说Do you know where I can check in?请问在哪里办理值机手续 I#39d。

3Where is the checkin counter? The checkin counter is over there值机柜台在哪里 值机柜台在那边4My luggage is damaged I can#39t find it我的行李损坏了我的行李找不到了5Would you prefer。

arrive on time?小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?3 It has been delayed 飞机。


The members of the traveling group in the airport have been aready The members of the touring party gethering on the airport are ready to go都可以,希望对你有帮助。
