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2023-12-05 本站作者 【 字体:

rather, pretty, reasonably,considerably, extraordinarily, remarkably, unusually, notably, impressively, very much, so much 句型It is +强调内容+that+从句 例It is your performance that made me love piano。

emphasize 英 #39emf#601sa#618z 美 #39#603mf#601sa#618zvt 强调,着重 短语 Emphasize And 突显和 Emphasize improperly 强调不当 Emphasize Creativity 强调创意 emphasize cemtral 强调中心 例句。

We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过Which word should Iemphasize?我应该重读哪个词?Jane#39s short hair emphasized her cheekbones简的短发使她的颧骨。

强调句在英文中,句子的主语宾语状语都可以写进一定的句式里以表示对它的强调它们是1 It is was 被强调的部分 that who, which 句子的其他部分,2 What is was 这种句式就称为强调句。


怎样同义替换英语强调句记住这个规则 how 强调形容词, what强调名词例如This is a beautiful house1 用 how 强调How beautiful the house is!2 用what 强调What a beautiful house。

